
What is it about ?

The psychotherapeutic integration of psychedelics
(Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy PAP) is a new branch of psychology.
It is based on the integration of past experiences of taking psychedelics, whether it was years ago, alone or with company, during a recreational evening, a shamanic ceremony, or any other kind of situation.
Whether the experience was good or bad, the aim is to understand what happened, what you perceived and be able to integrate it in your life.
It is an opportunity to grow and go back to that experience. Some may qualify it as one of the five most important experiences in their life.
Another world

It is becoming difficult to ignore the exponential increase in publications about the therapeutic use of psychedelics.
A few years ago, one of my relatives read Michael Pollan’s book, “How to change your Mind”.
Following my curiosity, I read it and it was a real sesame for me.
I entered the fascinating world of this field.
I kept reading, every book and article concerning this science that has existed for centuries and we are rediscovering today.
There are so many aspects that were hidden from us until historians, scientists, archaeologists, and chemists opened up this secret cave.
I don’t promote mindless psychedelics.
I suggest that we face today’s knowledge, integrate.
That we stop thinking that these are just
dangerous drugs and can seriously study the
therapeutic aspects of some of these plants

How does it go ?

Come to my practice with your past experience whether good or bad. I can speak freely and openly about psychedelics because that cannot either be prescribed or used in Switzerland. I am anyways not legally entitled to do so.
You will find in my consultation a non-judgmental space where you will be able to openly share your experiences. Together, we will obtain what you will derive the greatest benefit from them.
Because that is exactly what working with psychedelics is about. Integrate the experience and allow it to help us make the way to the ends of our mind, our heart, towards ourselves.
Taking a trip is one thing, but “making a journal of it, pasting the photos, making a scrapbook” when you get home allows you to remember it longer and do the job more thoroughly.
This is what I offer you in our sessions.
Concretely, I suggest you take an appointment by writing to me at ch as soon as you feel like it, after your experience (good or bad), to lose as little information as possible.
The memories, the feelings, quickly fade, and the sooner we start the work, the sooner you will gain valuable information from your trip.
“Accepting yourself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a life perspective. That I feed the hungry, that I forgive the offenses, that I love my enemy … all these are undoubtedly great virtues …
But what if I find out that the poorest beggar and the most shameless offender are all in me, that I am the one who needs my own kindness, that I myself am the enemy who must be loved?
So what is going on? But what if I find out that the poorest beggar and the most shameless offender are all in me, that I am the one who needs my own kindness, that I myself am the enemy who must be loved?
So what is going on?C.G Jung
Pollan Michael, How to change your mind / Voyage aux confins de esprit (The new promises of psychotropic drugs)
Chayet Stéphanie, Phantastica (These forbidden substances that heal)
Passie Torsten MD, The Science of Microdosing Psychelics
Bourzat Françoise, Consciousness Medicine
Waldman Ayelet, A really good day
Chambon Olivier, Morisson Jocelin, The Psychedelic Revolution
Meckel Fisher Friederike, Therapy with Substance
Hari Johann, Chasing the Scream
Bache Christopher, Diamonds from Heaven
Hart Carl L. Dr, Drug Use for Grown-Ups
Muraresku Brian C., The Immortality Key
Suter Martin, The Dark Side of the Moon
Huxley, The doors of perception
Guilbert Cécile, Narcotic Drugs and Literature from Homer to Will Self
Castaneda Carlos, The Devil’s Grass and the Little Smoke
Grof Stanislas, When the impossible happens
Grof Stanislas, LSD : Doorway to the Numinous
Hart Carl L. Dr, Drug Use for Grown-Ups
Muraresku Brian C., The Immortality Key
Suter Martin, The Dark Side of the Moon
Huxley, The doors of perception
Guilbert Cécile, Narcotic Drugs and Literature from Homer to Will Self
Castaneda Carlos, The Devil’s Grass and the Little Smoke
Grof Stanislas, When the impossible happens
Grof Stanislas, LSD : Doorway to the Numinous
Films & documentaries
Film «Trip of Compassion» de Gil Karni
Film «Dosed» de Tyler Chandler
Film «Have a good trip» de Donick Cary